Life coaching for men:

Design a fulfilling career
— and life.

Go from “stuck” to calm, clear, and grounded in less than 6 months.

Escape the rut and build momentum toward your goals with:

→ Research-backed mindset tools
→ Enlightening self-evaluation and wellbeing practices
→ A “future-vision” roadmap, developed in our first session

→ 1-hour, to see if we’re a good fit
→ Free, exploratory call

Life-changing coaching for men 

1:1 for one hour / week.

I guide high-achieving men through the five essential elements of generating positive momentum. Feeling stuck means you’re missing one or more of these elements. So, your efforts aren’t creating the results you want. I’ve brought these five elements to my coaching for entrepreneurs and leaders at large companies, including:

→ 1-hour, to see if we’re a good fit
→ Free, exploratory call

“She helps me make a bigger impact in my role.”

“It’s challenging dealing with the possibilities and distractions that come with a senior leadership role. Working with Katherine helps me develop into a more happy, high-achieving team player. She helps me make a bigger impact in my role.”

— Marijn, Director at Big Four

Meet Katherine 

Step one is to schedule a free, one-hour 1:1 call to explore coaching. Book here.

“Future-vision” roadmap

Clarity, finally:

Confidently take action
toward your big goals everyday.

Through this roadmap, you’ll discover: 

  • An exercise that gives you direction and meaning immediately → 

  • A tool that makes decision making crystal clear (in less than 5 minutes)

  • Uncover your future vision + create a detailed roadmap in our kickoff workshop

→ 1-hour, to see if we’re a good fit
→ Free, exploratory call

“She provides new ways of thinking in the exact ways I need…”

“Having Katherine as a coach is like having the most honest, loving, direct mirror in my life. She doesn’t let me get away with the unhelpful patterns, and pokes to provide new ways of thinking in the exact ways I need.”

— Candace Sauvé, Entrepreneur + Coach

Research-backed mindset tools

Overcome self doubt:

Master your mindset to create the future you want.

With these mindset tools, you’ll discover: 

  • How to make positive thinking your default (without it feeling fake)

  • My stress audit exercise, which spotlights the exact changes required to reduce your stress by 50% or more

  • How to catapult your results with this this one unusual mindset shift

→ 1-hour, to see if we’re a good fit
→ Free, exploratory call

“I now have clarity, confidence, and pride in the person I have become…”

“I started working with Katherine when I knew that a change needed to happen in my life, but was unsure of what that change needed to be. The parts of me that were wanting to be heard finally got their voices while I was working with Katherine, and a meaningful transformation ensued.

I went from a person relying on external validation with an inability to ask for help to a version of me who is able to find inner peace and steadiness through my own habits and practices. Through Katherine's support, I now have clarity, confidence, and pride in the person I have become and will continue to evolve into.”

— Jordyn Good, Director of Accounting and FP&A

Enlightening self-evaluation

Fast-track self understanding:

Imagine creating your results faster and faster as you take action on your terms.

Through self-evaluation, you’ll discover: 

  • My unique, 3-step framework designed to accelerate your growth, deepen your self awareness, and clarify your next steps

  • How my coaching will help you find your blind spots, helping you see what you can’t see

  • A proven, instantaneous strategy for releasing self doubt the moment it comes up

→ 1-hour, to see if we’re a good fit
→ Free, exploratory call

“She’s got the ‘it’ factor you want when it comes to coaching high performers."

"Katherine’s ability to create trust, listen loudly and coach individuals and groups through transformational change is unmatched in the industry. She’s got the ‘it’ factor you want when it comes to coaching high performers."

— Regan Walsh, Former Program Manager, Renegade Global

Custom wellbeing practices

Progress without burnout:

Become calm, grounded and present with the people in your life.

With these wellbeing practices, you’ll discover: 

  • 5 quick, daily self-care ways to make mental clarity your default setting

  • The quickest, easiest way to feel calm and self assured in tough conversations

  • One daily writing exercise proven to give you joy (it’s not gratitude journaling)

→ 1-hour, to see if we’re a good fit
→ Free, exploratory call