Come On, Get Happy:

Joy is an inside + outside job.
Here, we do both.

Welcome to Joy Reboot.

Imagine waking up happy, knowing you have the tools to navigate your day with intention.

BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND: Welcome to the fourth edition of Joy Reboot, a collaborative community adventure to elevate your calendar, habits, and mindset toward deeper satisfaction. In this immersive 7-week program, you’ll boldly clear out blocks preventing joy and lay a new foundation where deeper satisfaction naturally grows.

Our Process:

Breakdown → Breakthrough → Discovery

Clearing the Path: Recognize and release negative self-talk, joy-blocking habits, and energy drains in your schedule, making room for greater aliveness.

Building Joyful Foundations: Practice self compassion, mindset tune-ups, and making choices that align with your core desires.

Empowered Decision Making: Discover how to let go of what doesn’t serve you and make choices that align with your core desires.

Supportive Community: Join a small, friendly group for collaboration, encouragement, celebration, and support along the way.

Deepened Self Awareness: Understand your desires, truths, and emotional landscape.

Enhanced Presence: Learn practical tools to invite more joy and contentment into your life.

Sign Up👇

→ Totally free, takes 30 seconds to book

“I now have clarity, confidence, and pride in the person I have become…”

“I went from a person relying on external validation with an inability to ask for help to a version of me who is able to find inner peace and steadiness through my own habits and practices. Through Katherine's support, I now have clarity, confidence, and pride in the person I have become and will continue to evolve into.”

— Jordyn Good, Director of Accounting and FP&A

“She provides new ways of thinking in the exact ways I need…”

“Having Katherine as a coach is like having the most honest, loving, direct mirror in my life. She doesn’t let me get away with the unhelpful patterns, and pokes to provide new ways of thinking in the exact ways I need.”

— Candace Sauvé, Entrepreneur + Coach

Your Coach:

Katherine Brooks

is a certified Executive + Life Coach for high achievers. She has coached entrepreneurs and leaders at Netflix, Deloitte, Nike, Bain & Company, Hilton, Calvin Klein, Staples, Dell, and WeWork.

With research-backed mindset tools, custom wellbeing practices, and powerful self evaluation, she helps clients thrive on their own terms.

She is based in Austin, Texas, and equally loves a Friday night spent at a meditation class or a rave.

A Joy Obsession

In October of 2020, Katherine was standing at a picnic with friends and thought, “why am I not happier?” All external measures “should” have indicated that she’d be happy, beaming in the presence of dear friends and grilled burgers. Yet, she felt a familiar nagging discontent.

Over the next four years, Katherine diligently experimented to answer the question “how do I live with more joy?” She explored meditation, fitness, breathwork, moving cities, changing careers, removing alcohol and sugar, studying happiness, spirituality, plant medicine, energy work, making new friends, and countless other ways.

Alongside her self experimentation, she has coached high achievers from around the world to create more fulfilling lives. Today, she has the word “fun” tattooed on her ring finger. Her life reflects that sentiment.

Joy Reboot is the culmination of four years of repeatedly tested methods of bringing more joy into our lives. Permanently.

Sign Up👇

→ Totally free, takes 30 seconds to book

“She helps me make a bigger impact in my role.”

“It’s challenging dealing with the possibilities and distractions that come with a senior leadership role. Working with Katherine helps me develop into a more happy, high-achieving team player. She helps me make a bigger impact in my role.”

— Marijn, Director at a Big Four accounting firm

“She’s got the ‘it’ factor you want."

"Katherine’s ability to create trust, listen loudly and coach individuals and groups through transformational change is unmatched in the industry. She’s got the ‘it’ factor you want when it comes to coaching high performers."

— Regan Walsh, Former Program Manager, Renegade Global

Your Joyful Roadmap:


Explore what’s true for you right now. Through journaling and interoception exercises, you'll uncover your authentic wants and commit to a week of radical honesty.


Dive deep into your desires. Identify what you truly want and understand the deeper motivations behind those desires. Learn to hold your desires with care and intention.


Embrace the joy that comes with taking risks. Identify a risk you've been avoiding and take steps towards it, supported by kind self talk and an even kinder community.


Clear the clutter of indecision and incomplete tasks. Make a list of unmade decisions and incompletions, and take action to free up your energy so joy flows naturally.


Create a custom joy practice tailored to your life based on your expanded self awareness. Reflect on your journey and set a plan for sustaining joy beyond the program.


Kickstart your journey by identifying what’s holding you back and learning to let go. Through guided exercises and a calendar audit, you'll clear space for joy to enter your life.


Discover the power of accepting all of your emotions. Learn to say, “I feel ___ and it’s ok,” and experience the freedom that comes from allowing yourself to feel without judgement.


Get ready for the 7-week adventure with video and journaling pre-work designed to rev up your creative engine and prime your mind for accelerated progress.


Tap back into the Joy Reboot community with a group connection call after the program ends, and VIP early access to future programs.

Sign Up👇

→ Totally free, takes 30 seconds to book

Program Overview:


→ Live workshops on weekly, one-hour Zoom calls. 

→ Workshops are Tuesdays at 12pm EST/9am PST.

→ Small, friendly community for authentic connection, support, and motivation.

→ Ongoing Slack channel for community connection, coaching, and celebrations.

August 12, 2024 — September 25, 2024

Sign up by Friday, August 2nd to receive:

  • 2 private 1:1 coaching sessions w/Katherine

  • Bonus live “Roadmapping Your Vision” workshop

Sign up by Friday, August 9th to receive:

  • 1 private 1:1 coaching session w/Katherine.

How To Sign Up:

Investment: $1500

Step one is to schedule your free 30-minute Joy Reboot Exploratory Call with Katherine right here.

We’ll review your goals, details of the program, and any questions.

Sign Up👇

→ Totally free, takes 30 seconds to book